Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Leaving the boat behind in Guaymas

5/9 Left in the morning for Guaymas. I learned how to drive stick pretty quickly at the border crossing, inching forward. 
5/10 almost done with boat storage.
5/12 Finished the boat for her summer storage in Guaymas. Pulled out of the yard at 11:00AM. “La Sancha” is fully packed of things we want to take off the boat, so that next season it’s not so stuffy on there. Almost died on a two lane double highway. Bronco swerving coming towards us, turned into slow motion scene from a movie. Started to cross the grass median at 65+MPH. Hit the upward side of the dip. I had a split second to either brake and die, or floor it and get out of there. Debris and grass chunks flew all over our hood while the Bronco did a 180º front flip, just missing our tail end! We kept going, being in Mexico… Luckily a police officer and ambulance were heading his way and I waved them down. Crossed the border into America at Nogales. They took my 25 year old Bonsai tree! It was a Chinese Elm that I have had for 5 years. It braved the Pacific and the Sea with us. It was just coming back to life, and they said no plant entry and that they must incinerate it!

folding up the port-a-bote

almost ready to go!

the name is princess 

lets go girls

tarps to keep our home a little cool over the summer

no more solar panel 

where the heck are we going now??

only at the border 

would anyone care for a broom?

1 comment:

  1. Booo for car accident and bonsai :(
    Pina is such a princess! Can't wait to meet her!
