i picked up a gimbaled stove off craigslist for $100. as a chef i want a proper kitchen in my galley. this project took about 2 weeks working on and off. having to search for parts, order parts, return things, company staying with us...it took a while but we're very happy now.
here's our old set up. mini fridge at the bottom. which is nice if you're living off shore power. but i want this boat to be off the grid and this will take too much of our power. my nice convection oven that i got at costco, used for a year, then returned for full price! and then our one burner camping stove. pretty ghetto set up but it worked for well over a year.
here's the new stove i picked up off craigslist.
everything removed.
i got some old copper from work and added on to the copper that was already there. there were some scars on the wall from my demolition that needed to be covered.
claire and i ran the 30ft. of propane line that we ordered through west marine.
we threw a few loops in the line to keep it slack. this prevents any chaffing while the stove swings. we don't want that propane line to get any cracks and leak on us.
outside we installed this black unit which is solid stainless steel with a belt strap. it's meant to hold igloo coolers off the back of work trucks, but it will hold our propane tank just fine.
i sprayed the mounts with my blue rust proof tractor paint just to insure it lasts the elements.
supports through the bottom too. damn the hidden spots on this boat are nasty and need to be loved some day.
here it is mounted.
we poked a hole and ran the line through. i picked up propane line protectors (the metal slinky) so nothing can damage the line outside of the boat.
got a T valve to split the propane line. the 30ft. runs inside to the stove and i capped the other end. it's going to be hooked to the grill once i pick up that attachment.
chained it down and pad locked it to the boat to prevent theft and incase it tries to fall overboard.
back inside, the line connected to the stove with another chaff protector.
gimbals we put it
this piece locks the stove into the wall to keep it from swinging while we're docked or when the boat is level.
checking the unit. it works! to prevent gas leaking we turn the tank off before the actual burner. this way it keeps the line open and burns off any existing fuel out of the line.
our new cutting board! my mother and i found this at minney's parking lot sale too. i cut it to fit perfectly on top of the stove. its big enough to butcher fish on! the cutting board comes off and slides under the stove snugly while we're sailing.
or to make a pb&j
our new galley!
(note to the left of the stove, that white scarred wall was covered by the copper)