April 21, 2014
Well we've been quite busy here in Texas. Definitely a big adjustment. I've got a few posts backed up that i am about to load all in a row. i thought i would start out with a basic one, what this website was created for in the first place. An online ship's log of our projects aboard.
This solar fan has been installed on the boat since we purchased her 3.5 years ago! The wiring had come all undone, and i've kind of neglected it. Now that we are in the humidity, it's time to make it run again.
switch panel with option to run off the house battery bank or off it's own built in solar panel
i removed the unit from the deck outside
cleaned out all the dust and debris that was built up inside
spliced new wire connections
ran the new wires through the deck
instead of buying a new solar vent for about $200,
i was able to refurbish this one and reinstall it in about 30 minutes.
inside above the head, solar vent and LED pushlight.
the vent sucks warm, humid, stinky air out of the boat.
Nice! Looks like you've gotten a lot better with all the electrical stuff through all the stuff you've had to do on the boat. Texas heat sounds miserable, so hopefully this will help!